milk teeth

美 [mɪlk tiːθ]英 [mɪlk tiːθ]
  • n.乳牙;乳齿
  • milk tooth的复数
milk teethmilk teeth
  1. But why would anyone want milk teeth in the first place ?


  2. Probe into the treatment of deep caries of milk teeth


  3. In parts of India , children wrap their milk teeth in cotton and offer it to the sun .


  4. But in Norway scientists are busy working on an even stranger special facility just for storing milk teeth .


  5. We must be aware that their teeth may be undergoing dramatic changes as milk teeth are replaced by permanent molars and incisors .


  6. Name : milk teeth healthy body to use : push a little milk to brush teeth healthy body , the teeth can be directly after cleaning the bathroom .


  7. Those milk teeth can be really sharp , I am watching my fingers every time when I try to clean his month , sometime he bites me very hard .


  8. Although the decay affects childrens milk teeth , which fall out naturally , experts say it also harms their gums making them more prone to infection in adulthood .


  9. Coming second in the survey is the myth that when your milk teeth fall out , if you put them under your pillow , the tooth fairy will replace them with sixpences .


  10. Also known as deciduous teeth , milk teeth are the extras we lose as children , and researchers from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study ( MoBa ) hope parents will donate these little incisors and bicuspids to their ever-growing tooth bank .


  11. Then the green milk dyed their teeth and tongues green , another source of hilarity .
